Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club

unlocks the potential of two hundred children every day in a healthy and safe place created for learning, growth, and fun – meeting the developmental needs of the young people in our neighborhood. Join our mission to ensure access to enriching, engaging and affordable programs and activities for the kids in our community.
We do our best work with your help.
What you do strengthens what we do.

The Club Provides Together We Give.

Lots of wonderful things are happening at the Club and even more wonderful opportunities are on the horizon, but we can’t do that without YOU! Your contribution is critical in ensuring our organization turns no child away and can continue to provide the quality programs and support that the children in Locust Valley and the surrounding communities so deserve. We are almost there! Still time to help us reach 100% of our goal.

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A Message From Our New Executive Director

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to serve as the new Executive Director of Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club. It is both an honor and a privilege to lead this incredible organization, which has a longstanding history of serving our community with dedication and commitment for the past 74 years.

My journey to this role has been shaped by my own personal Club experience. First joining as a member at 8 years old, I quickly immersed myself in all the Club had to offer. The fun and interactive programs lead by caring and passionate staff helped to build my self-esteem and come out of my little protective shell. The friendships and memories that I forged at the Club will last for a lifetime.

Fast forward to 2000, now a recent graduate from NYU’s School of Education, Ray Reyes brought me onto his team to run the Education Department. Little did I know then that my first job would be my last. My Boys & Girls Club work along the East Coast at different Club organizations in a variety of roles has prepared for me this moment. A moment that I wish my dad, also a Club alum, could witness, because I know he would be proud that his little girl has become the first female Executive Director of GBBGC.

With a deep commitment to our Mission, I am eager to build upon the remarkable achievements of my predecessor, Ray, and those that came before him and to work collaboratively with our talented team, dedicated Board of Directors, engaged volunteers, generous donors, and the community. Together, we can continue to make a significant impact and drive positive change in the lives of the young people we serve.

As we move forward, my priorities will align to Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s strategic direction, Future Ready, and will include:

  •  Enable all young people to achieve positive outcomes in our three pillars: Learning and Innovation, Health and Well-Being, and Future Readiness, through our innovative and high-quality programs and experiences.
  •  Expand our reach to address the unmet demand for our services while retaining and deepening engagement with our current members.
  •  Engage with our supporters to cultivate a vibrant and active network of advocates for our Mission.
  • Enhance our community partnerships to maximize our collective impact.

Over the past few weeks, I have received many notes, calls, emails and texts from so many of you. Thank you. Thank you for your shoutouts and congratulations. Now I thank you all for being a part of the next generation of GBBGC and I look forward to working together to achieve positive outcomes for our kids.  I encourage you to connect with me, share your thoughts, and participate in our events and initiatives. We have a big year coming up with our 75th Anniversary and a lot to look forward to and celebrate!

I would like to leave you with a quote from Brené Brown in her book “Dare to Lead”.  I feel it resonates deeply and captures the impact and potential that the Club can have on the life of a child.

“We must be guardians of a space that allows students to breathe and be curious and explore the world and be who they are without suffocation. They deserve a place where they can rumble with vulnerability and their hearts can exhale... we should never underestimate the benefit to a child of having a place to belong—even one – where they can take off their armor. It can and often does change the trajectory of their life.”

We ARE that one place for so many kids. It was my one place, and for some of you, it was yours. With your support and involvement, the Club will be that one place for many more kids to come.


Melissa A. Rhodes
Executive Director
Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club

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Empowering the youth through education.

Facility Usage

Our state-of-the-art athletic facilities, performing arts center, and multi-purpose rooms are perfect for both professional and celebratory gatherings

Corporate Partnership

Make Great Futures possible for children in Locust Valley and the surrounding Long Island communities by taking a leadership-level sponsorship.

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